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5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

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In today’s digital world, the threat of a cyber attack is constant, and organizations as well as individuals are subjected to data breaches that can lead to financial as well as reputational damage. Thus, there is a need to be cybersmart. Today, in this article, we will discuss some of the common cybersecurity mistakes made by the individuals that make them fall prey to a cyberattack.


Also Read: Online shopping and cybercrime: tips to stay safe


  1. Using Weak Passwords: The security of any device is largely dependent on the password. In such a situation, if the default password comes somewhere, then change it in any case. The password must be at least 8 characters long. In this, a combination of numbers, alphabets and special characters is considered safe. Every user should avoid generic passwords such as their mobile number, date of birth etc.
  2. Not Updating The Devices: Keep only the apps that are useful to you on your smartphone. Make sure that all apps and operating systems are updated. With regular updates, the security feature remains strong and there is less scope for cyberattacks. If an app is asking for permission to access your data, then try to avoid such an app.
  3. Opening Spam Emails & Surfing Untrusted Websites: This is a classic way in which computers become infected with malware. So never open an attachment from a sender you don’t know. Many people become victims of cybercrime by clicking on links to unfamiliar websites. Avoid doing this to stay safe online.
  4. Using Public Wi-Fi for Banking Transactions or Other Sensitive Tasks: Having your smartphone hacked feels like someone robbed your house.  Everyone should be aware of the dangers of using free Wi-Fi, because the free Wi-Fi of shopping centers, cafes, airports, railways, or any other public venue, is open season for all kinds of online mischief. “Don’t access your email, online bank or credit card accounts when on public Wi-Fi. This is because hackers may set up fake networks that seem like the real thing but aren’t.
  5. Not Backing-up the Data: Data loss can have several negative impacts, including monetary loss as well as loss of reputation. Thus, treat data backups like an insurance policy that can help you to recover from a data breach. Consider the 3-2-1 rule for data backup.

Considering the increasing number of cyber attacks and data breaches, it is important that we stay alert and be cybersmart. Ensure that you avoid the above-mentioned common mistakes to proactively tackle potential threats.

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