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Part 3 : Oracle Financial Cloud Implementation journey: Expect the unexpected: The stabilization period

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Read : Part 2 :Oracle Financial Cloud Implementation Journey: The adoption phase

Whatever precaution we had taken while moving our system to the production environment, we knew that we would discover few challenges only after going “Live!”. This is a very crucial time where we need a close interaction between our business users and implementation team. Smaller bugs need to get fixed quickly before they become significant issues. This is the period where business users kept coming back with a change in their requirements, and demand more features and workflows. The steering committee stepped-in and focused on stabilizing the application rather than adding new features.

There were some valid requests from business users regarding the performance improvements of critical batch processes and reports. Our technical team along with Oracle worked on it and optimized the performance. Our technical team also carried out necessary housekeeping to ensure our production and test instance remained cleaned and secured. This process is generally ignored and can create a significant security loophole to your application. It’s like clearing the stage before the start of the play !!

As a part of our objective, we had decided to treat our Oracle Financial Cloud as “single source of truth.” We ensured all kinds of relevant data hit the applications, and all reports and dashboards are generated only from this system. If you don’t pay attention to this, you will find data silos and data duplications.

We had included small, agile training programs for business users throughout the adoption phase. However, during this phase, we worked with third part education agency to train our business users and implementation team members. Post-implementation,  the level of understanding of the application was at much higher level, and hence we could include few advanced topics during the training program,

Towards the end of stabilization period, we re-calibrated our business user’s wish list and defined project scope for our next phase “Automation and Enhancements.

Also read : Part 4 :Oracle Financial Cloud Implementation Journey: Automation …Improve business user’s life further (Future)

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